CANSCAIP NEWS Spring 2020 - Friend Feature

APRIL 19, 2020

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to sit down with author Sharon Jennings, President of the Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers (CANSCAIP), for an interview for the inaugural Friend feature column in the Spring issue of the CANSCAIP NEWS.

I have been on the CANSCAIP board of directors since 2017 so Sharon and I have been in our fair share of meetings together, but this was a nice change in pace to spend the afternoon talking craft.

The Spring 2020 issue of the CANSCAIP NEWS has since been released and I am excited to share a bit of the article below.* 

Thank you to Sharon for the wonderful article and to CANSCAIP for this great opportunity. Special thanks to the amazing as well for the lovely headshot of me in my studio.

The Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers (CANSCAIP), is a national membership organization that promotes the professional development of creators for children and teens, through support for their creativity, craft, and business practice. For more info, visit

*Full publication of the CANSCAIP NEWS Spring 2020 is available to CANSCAIP members and friends.

Avocado Plant, Anyone?

APRIL 7, 2020

This past weekend I was looking through my cookbooks for some tasty new recipes to try and was excited to find this special bonus project, for a beautiful avocado plant, right beside the Chunky Guacamole recipe in my The Clueless Vegetarian cookbook. 

I’ve enjoyed Evelyn Raab’s cookbooks since my first, Clueless in the Kitchen, which was a great way to ease into cooking, with a lot of recipes I still enjoy making, and now to find this fun plant extra is another reason to love her books.

I just happened to have finished an avocado before stumbling upon this so I’m giving my own avocado plant a try. Now all it needs is time and water top-ups. Fingers crossed…

A great project to try while in self isolation! More details in the image below if you’d like to start your own…

One Good Thing

APRIL 4, 2020

Welcome to the first blog post directly on I couldn’t think of a better way to begin than with One Good Thing

With the news filled with COVID-19 and uncertainty, author Joyce Grant, co-founder and News Director of Teaching Kids News, has been posting “one good thing,” three to five times a week online with the idea to uplift, without overwhelming. Calm, soothe and inspire. Bring art, ideas and light to our young readers and resources to the people who are looking after them.

I was happy to have my party shark illustration take part in the latest article One Good Thing: Shark Cam highlighting the live shark cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, USA. Check out the full article (and more good things) at

Live shark cam:

Full article at

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